bila jariku bergetar

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Something To Remember NASAF09

"National Sport Aviation Fiesta 2009 (NASAF09) is the ultimate to recreational Sport Aviation in Malaysia. It will be a platform to produce aviation athlete in sport aviation arena. Now, the time is coming for the Malaysian to participate in the World Sports Aviation Competitions.

Currently, we have a lot of sport aviation enthusiast being active flying individually around Malaysia. NASAF09 will be the venue to all of them to unite in one spirit to represent Malaysia generating a new challenge in World Sports Aviation Competitions.

We believe Malaysian Athlete can be a big name in the world sports aviation competition and will put Malaysia in line with the other country in the world.

The spirit, talent, experience and enthusiasm will be blend together to ensure the success of Malaysian Athlete in the spirit of ONE MALAYSIA."

Rohaizi Md Hussin
Chief Technical Secretariat

Puisi Pertama ku 1984

Mawar Berduri

Kau umpama sekuntum mawar
Mekar mengharum di taman hati
Kau ku belai dan ku jaga setiap hari
Agar kau tak layu sebelum waktunya

Sekian lama kita bersama
Untuk membina mahligai bahgia
Andai cita dapat terlaksana
Berbahgialah kita selama-lamanya

Walau engkau mekar mengharum
Namun kuntummu tetap berduri
Apakan daya aku yang lemah
Tak dapat menentang duri mu yang gagah

Pernah ku cuba untuk menentangnya
Tapi, jariku sendiri yang terluka
Biarlah ku pergi untuk melupakannya
Hancurlah kini segala cita.....

Tribute Buat Isteriku

Falsafah Cinta Dan Perkahwinan

Click On Photo to Enlarge

Renungan Di FB

Di dalam kehidupan ini penuh dengan cabaran dan dugaan. Gunakan sebaiknya Akal, Hati dan Jiwa dalam menempuh perjalanan yang penuh berliku. Semoga kebahagiaan menjadi milik kita.........
Jun 09 at 07:28pm

kekadang kita perlu meletakkan diri kita di bawah untuk orang tersayang demi sebuah kebahagiaan, cuma adakah mereka sedar bahawa kita sedang melakukan satu pengorbanan untuk mereka.....renung2kan.
May 21 at 11:31am

Semalam adalah memori, hari ini adalah kenyataan dan esok adalah impian; apa yang bakal berlaku esok adalah hasil dari apa yang kita lakukan hari ini......Renung2kan
May 18 at 8:01am

Kisah penunggu demaga; Walau secantik mana kapal yang singgah. Walau dicuci, dicat, disolek dan mcm2 di lagi, tetap suatu hari kapal itu akan meninggalkan dermaga dengan seribu satu kenangan. Lalu penunggu dermaga berkata "Bila aku akan jadi nakhoda untuk berlayar bersama kapalnya. Merentas lautas bersama muatan. Maka ...aku tidak lagi terus ditinggalkan"....... Renung2kan
May 12 at 11:29am

kengkadang kita cari kebahagiaan tapi derita yang tiba. Tapi kengkadang lak kita wat deek je, tetiba je datang kebahagiaan..... Inilah dunia Renung2kan
May 11 at 4:04am

Cinta yang abadi adalah cinta kepada ALLAH dan RasulNYA...... Sejauh manakah kecintaan kita terhadap ALLAH didalam mencari keredhaanNYA... Renung-renungkan
May 10 at 1:50pm

cinta tidak perlű dikejar mahupun dicari, cinta akan lahir sendiri dari kesucian hati dan perasaan..... renung2kan
May 7 at 8:37am

Kalau nak tau wajah isteri kita bila tua nanti, tengok la wajah ibu mertua; kalau nak tahu nasib kita di syarikat/department kita bekerja, tengok la orang yang sama jawatan ngan kita yang dah keje 15 tahun. Ambil langkah awal dan rancang kehidupan kita untuk kebahagiaan masa depan. See you at the top! Renung-renungkan
April 24 at 10:54am

Ego adalah pembunuh utama sel kemajuan manusia. Sebelum ia membunuh seluruh sel kita bunuhlah ia dahulu. Hapuskan perasaan ego yang terlampau dalam diri kita, maka kita akan menjadi lebih yakin untuk belajar sesuatu yang baru dari orang lain. Ia akan menjadikan kita lebih berjaya. Renung-renungkan.
April 21 at 10:43am

Apabila kita berada di dalam zone selesa (comford zone) kita sering kali takut untuk mengambil risiko bagi mencapai impian yang terpendam. Maka akhirnya impian hanya akan tinggal impian tanpa usaha untuk mengrealisasikan inpian itu. Kuatkan semangat tingkatkan keyakinan agar impian jadi kenyataan. Kalau orang lain bole...h berjaya, kita juga boleh BERJAYA. Renung-renungkan! See you at the TopSee More
April 16 at 9:33am

Di dalam mencari sebuah kehidupan yang sempurna, kita seharusnya bebas dari belenggu kewangan yang menyiksakan. Namun persoalannya adakah kita bersedia untuk berusaha membuka langkah untuk lari dari BELENGGU itu? Renung-renungkan!
April 15 at 10:34am

The Love Destiny

The love destiny is a predetermined by the Divine that two people will be together. The love destiny means that no matter what happens two hearts will be drawn and brought together in a love that will not end. The events will happen to bring the two together so that they can become one. Lots of people end up together as they see it, because of their destiny. When you are following your destiny things tend to go right in your lives. You feel that you are in the right time at the right place and then when you are together it really makes a difference. Some people do not believe in love destiny, but many others do. If it happens to you, then you really believe in destiny.

Another thing that is interesting about the love destiny is that there are some events that are to happen and they are not changeable. Through divination one can find out the future if they want to. When someone has found their love destiny then they do so willingly. They are not forced, but a participant in the meeting of two people. If they have been separated from each other then things will happen to bring them back together and this will happen willingly.

With the love destiny two people could be separated from each other and still love each other for many reasons. They might not be able to see each other for a lot of adverse reasons that they have nothing to do with and then events will happen that will bring them back together again. There will always be a strong bond formed when there is a love destiny with two people. It will be very strong and will last all through time and for miles away. It will last through all kinds of different situations that test the deep bond that was formed, but none the less it will last forever. The love destiny is putting to people that were destined to be together finally into each others path again so that they can be together in a better way.

It is said that when we participate in a our love destiny then we also shape fate. This is how it was supposed to be. With a love destiny the two people will be very happy, though they may have to go through quite a bit to be together. When a love destiny is in play there are forces that bring it back together so that the two can experience their love for one another again.

The soldier destiny is the one that fears its own death with the bullet with their name on it. The soldier was destined to die in certain instances. Many people believe in destiny and that is why it is so widely studied. You can look up destiny and find out a lot more about it on the internet or in books in the library.

You cannot force you destiny, it just happens and when you find it then you will know. With a love destiny there will be signs that you should be together. If and when it happens depend on when your love destiny is supposed to happen. Go with the events that are happening in your life and if the love destiny is there you will be with the one that you should be in however long it does take. If you want to learn more about destiny, then you should study the different aspects of it. It is really interesting to read about.

Luahan Rasa di FB

June 8 at 9:38pm

Jika laut berombak, jadikan ia sebagai teman; jika bercinta bisa terluka jadikan parutnya sebagai pedoman; jika berkasih lahir cemburu jadikan ia ikatan sayang

June 9 at 12:27am

My life i have a lot of Love. The beauty about love its different from one to another. Just like a thumb print. But what ever type, shape, smell, color, even sound of love, I never differentciate from one to another. I tread them with my full hearted. the tru love deserve to get a good care.

June 9 at 4:05pm

I cant be a writer , coz I dont know how to plan what to write. What ever came out just come from the bottom of my heart. Full of honesty and sinceority, full of hope and desire. To be a best person as time goes by, to be a better lover before the last breath in my destiny.

June 9 at 5:33pm

The world is created to provide the glorys and happiness for the all humankind. We are given the brain to think, heart to fell and soule to live, just use this all three to be good or bad. We have a choice to choose......!!!!!

June 9 at 8:04pm

"Kecantikan wanita terletak pada matanya, dengan itu selalulah melihat kebaikan dan amalkan pembacaan Al-Quran agar mata,telinga,mulut dan hati anda sentiasa tenang..." Murniqaseh Suci FB

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mata juga lebih tajam dari pisau cukur, sekali ia menghiris tiada ruang untuk melupakannya. Maka jagalah ia agar tidak melukakan. Mata juga titik permulaan kepada percintaan maka lihatlah keindahan kasih sayang di dalam sebuah percintaan.